Monday, November 30, 2015

Week of November 30

I hope each of you had a wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving holiday. I know I LOVED being at home with my family and making memories. I cannot believe December is upon us! Wow!  Here are some reminders for the weeks ahead as December begins:
Tuesday: Holiday picture orders due
Thursday: Field Trip (we'll leave OES at 10 and return in time to eat lunch around 12:30)
December 5: Polar Express Pancake Breakfast at Applebees - I'm not able to be there this year, but I hope you enjoy your time there. Other teachers will be working that morning, so be sure to go see them!
December 9: Donuts with Dad - Please return the RSVP by this Thursday
December 15: PTA/4th Grade Christmas Program at 6:30
December 18: 1/2 Day (11:00am Dismissal) - Our Christmas party will be from 9:30-10:15. I will be sending home information soon about this.

Have a safe, fabulous week!