Friday, November 22, 2013

Walnut Grove Field Trip

Emily's and Brooklyn's Thoughts:
On Wed., November 13 we went to Walnut Grove for a fild trip. First we went to the cemetary then we went to the Moore family house. Then we saw the old baby rockers and they had 10 kids. Then we went to make candels. We got the string and diped it in the hot wax and it was pink. It smelled like straberry. And then we went on the nature trail and there was a knocked down tree. You could see the bottom of the tree. Then we went to the gift shop and they had muggs, wissels, t-shurts, fans, and spoons. Then we got on the bus and went home. Ower fild trip was fun but really really cold!

Making candles

It was COLD!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Red Ribbon Week

Peyton's and Emma's Thoughts:
Last week was Red Ribbon Week. We learned to be DRUG FREE. We learned that if you smoke it takes 8 minets off your life. On Monday was school spirit day, Tuesday was College/Univ./Military day. On Wednesday was Dress for Success Day on Thursday was Career Dream Day and last but not least on Friday was Wear Red Day. On Thursday people dressed up as vets and baseball players and a teacher and football players.

We also had 2 cheerleaders from BSHS come to our class to talk to us about staying healthy and Drug Free. This was a great week that hopefully made an impact on our students and the choices they make in the future.

Dress For Success Day

Wear Red Day


In October, OES participated in our first ever Boosterthon fundraiser. The students received pledges to run approximately 35 laps on a designated Fun Run Day. Our class received the most pledges in the entire school, which totaled about $2400! They earned a homework pass, extra recess, lunch outside, a popsicle party, crazy hair day, and a pajama day. I am so proud of their hard work and our class will receive 10% of the pledge money. Way to go Mrs. Wise's Wildcats! :)

Reagan's and Brandon's and Thoughts:
For the Boosterthon Fun Run we had team huddles. At team huddles we got to see how much money or pledges we had so we could mark it off on the pledge o'meter. We raised over $2,400! To get pledges, we had to get students to ask people they know to get money. You could do a flat donation or a lap donation. A flat donation is when you give them like $10 even if they run 35 laps. A lap donation is when you say you will give them $1 for each lap you run. So like if I ran 35 laps you have to pay $35. At the fun run we ran lots and lots and lots of laps.

We had an awesome time and can't wait to see how this money helps our school!